Ομοσπονδία Εθελοντικών μη Κυβερνητικών Οργανώσεων Ελλάδος


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Welcome to our new Web Site

Dear friends,
We welcome you to our new web page of the Hellenic Federation of Voluntary Non Governmental Organizations.

Our goal for this electronic place is to inform not only our members, but also every institution that takes action in the field of Voluntarism, granters, Mass Media, about the actions of HEFENGO' s and the autonomous action of the NGO's that compose it.

We aspire that this web page will be the bridge to communicate and exchange opinions, experiences, a place for projection, to find volunteers and ways to fund the actions of the Greek NGO's wherever they take place.

Since its founding the Hellenic Federation of Voluntary Non Governmental Organizations has set as priorities the promotion of the idea of voluntarism, the protection of human life and dignity, the protection of the environment and the inclusion of the less privileged members of our society as quickly and effectively as possible in the economic and social mast. It has been proven historically that only the social solidarityand aid can assure the prosperity and the development of α well-governed state.

At the age of globalization - age of rapid evolutions and changes- which is characterized by the impoverishment of state institution as a mechanism of control of the economy, of the contribution of services to the socially excluded groups and protection of the environment, the role of the Voluntary Non Governmental Organizations, main voice of the Civil Society, is being reinforced everyday and is becoming protagonist to the effort for World-wide Peace, Combat against Poverty, Social Prosperity and Cohesion, sustainable development and Environmental Balance.

According to this, we consider that it is required an ambitious, demanding and realistic coordinating plan for the actions of the Federation in order to get greater effectiveness, better cooperation, public projection and concentration of resources.

We hope that you embrace this attempt of the Federation and that you take part actively at the carrying out of a fertile dialogue through these electronic pages, your pages.

With friendly greetings,

Katerina Giannakopoulou

President of the Federation

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